Ovarian Cyst

OB-GYN Associates PC
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Cedar Rapids, IA
If you’ve had abdominal discomfort lately, don’t assume your diet caused it. You might have an ovarian cyst, and disregarding it can result in complications. The board-certified practitioners at OB-GYN Associates PC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa use the most up-to-date methods to discover your problem quickly and provide the appropriate treatment. Call the office for more details, or book your appointment online.
Ovarian Cyst Q & A
What is an ovarian cyst?
An ovarian cyst is a solid or fluid-filled sac that forms inside or on the ovary. Most cysts result from the normal menstrual cycle and are harmless, producing no symptoms.
Each month, the ovaries grow small pockets called follicles, which release the egg during ovulation. When a follicle continues to grow, it’s called a functional cyst and usually disappears after a few weeks or months without treatment.
Other types of cysts can grow larger, causing dull or sharp pelvic pain or abdominal heaviness or bloating.
Seek medical attention right away if you suffer sudden or severe pain, or if any of the following symptoms accompany it:
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Dizziness or fainting
- Rapid breathing
These symptoms could signal a rupture or a twisted ovary.
Who is at risk for ovarian cysts?
Although it’s possible for any woman to develop an ovarian cyst, the following factors increase your risks:
- Hormonal problems
- Pelvic infection
- Endometriosis
- Previous cysts
- Pregnancy
You can reduce your risk with regular pelvic exams, which allow your practitioner to detect irregularities. Regular exams are especially important after menopause since the development of a cyst during this stage is usually more severe.
How does the OB-GYN treat your ovarian cyst?
When a pelvic exam reveals a cyst, the team at OB-GYN Associates PC conducts appropriate tests to discover the size and type. Using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, they can view an accurate picture of your ovaries. You might also receive a blood test to rule out cancer or more severe conditions.
If you have no symptoms or only mild ones, your team may suggest a wait-and-see approach, followed by further ultrasound tests. Sometimes you can take medication to keep other cysts from forming. If your cyst is large, painful, or seems to be growing, or has lasted longer than 2-3 cycles, you might need surgery.
When possible, your OB-GYN specialist removes the cyst or the whole ovary with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Using a tiny lighted camera inserted through a small incision in your abdomen, the surgeon can view the procedure on a screen.
You’ll probably go home the day of your surgery and be back to work in a week. Best of all, you’ll be freed from your pain.
Don’t disregard your abdominal symptoms. Let the specialists at OB-GYN Associates PC determine if you need treatment. Call the office today or book your appointment online.
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