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Your relationship with your gynecologist is an important one. At OB-GYN Associates, we value each and every one of our relationships with our patients. Our team of experienced specialists works with you throughout your lifetime to make your health a top priority.

Yearly Exams

Routine yearly exams are not exactly appointments that women look forward to. But we all know these exams are an essential part of any woman’s health care, and at OB-GYN Associates, we strive to make them as comfortable as possible. During the appointment, we will conduct a brief physical exam of your heart, lungs, and abdomen and address any health issues that may have developed. We will also perform a pelvic exam and a Pap smear test, where we take a sample of cells from your cervix to examine for abnormalities. And because monthly breast exams can play an important role in the early detection of breast cancer, we’ll teach you how to do your own.


Birth Control Options

All the birth control options available these days can be confusing. Don’t worry. We’ll guide you through all options available and help you find the method that’s right for your lifestyle and your health goals. We also offer permanent surgical birth control options such as tubal ligation and Essure.



Robotic & Laser Surgery

OB-GYN Associates is a leader in the advancement of cutting-edge laser and robotic gynecological surgery. Our experienced physicians can perform complex surgery using the da Vinci robot with only dime-sized incisions. For most women, the benefits of robotic surgery are significant. Patients experience less pain, less blood loss and a shorter recovery time. These advanced surgeries are available at both Mercy Medical Center and St. Luke's Hospital.

In-office Endometrial Ablations

Endometrial ablation is a procedure that removes a thin tissue layer from the uterus in order to reduce heavy bleeding. This procedure can drastically improve the quality of life for women who are suffering from menorrhagia, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding commonly caused by hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, polyps, pregnancy complications and dysfunction of the ovaries, among other things. For women who wish to avoid major surgery, this procedure is a viable alternative to a hysterectomy.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles become weak or damaged and can no longer support the pelvic organs—the uterus, bladder, and rectum. This condition is common, particularly among older women, and treatments vary depending on the type and degree of prolapse. Lifestyle intervention, medication, and surgical intervention have all proven to be beneficial. OB-GYN Associates performs the latest and least-invasive procedures that technology has to offer.


Contact us today for more information about our gynecological services.