Birth Control

OB-GYN Associates PC
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Cedar Rapids, IA
When choosing a method of birth control, women want to understand their choices, learn how each one works, and get some guidance about which one is best for their lifestyle and future family plans. That’s why the providers at OB-GYN Associates PC dedicate their time to birth control counseling. They talk with you until you’re completely confident about your contraceptive choice. Whether this is your first time seeking birth control or you’re ready to change methods, call the office in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or book an appointment online.
Birth Control Q & A
What should you expect from birth control counseling?
Birth control counseling isn’t as formal as it sounds; it simply means that your provider at OB-GYN Associates PC takes the time to talk with you about the many issues related to birth control.
It’s important to talk about your plans for having a family because your timing influences your birth control choice. You can also count on getting all the information you need about each method you’re considering.
During counseling, your provider also performs a pelvic and breast exam to determine whether you need to avoid certain contraceptives for health reasons.
How effective are different birth control methods?
Ratings vary for different types of birth control:
- Permanent birth control (tubal ligation or occlusion): Nearly 100% effective
- Intrauterine device (IUD): Nearly 100% effective
- Hormone implant: 99%
- NuvaRing (hormone-containing vaginal ring): 98%
- Birth control pills and other hormone-based methods (patch, ring): 91-94%
- Male condoms: 82%
You can improve the effectiveness of some methods by using them properly. For example, you can raise the effectiveness of birth control pills to 99% by taking them consistently and close to the same time every day.
What are hormone-based birth control methods?
Many of the most effective types of birth control prevent pregnancy by controlling your hormone levels. Some of the most commonly used hormonal methods include:
- Birth control pills
- Birth control patch (placed on your skin)
- Vaginal ring (inserted into your vagina)
- Nexplanon® (small rod inserted under your skin)
Depending on the hormones used, these methods may stop your ovaries from releasing an egg, thicken cervical mucus so sperm can’t get through, or change the uterine lining.
How do IUDs prevent pregnancy?
IUDs are called long-lasting reversible contraceptives because they’re inserted once, then stay in place and continuously prevent pregnancy for 3-10 years. They’re just as effective as sterilization, but they’re reversible — your doctor at OB-GYN Associates PC can remove it any time if you want to become pregnant.
Although all IUDs are T-shaped, flexible devices that fit inside your uterus, some are hormonal, while others are non-hormonal. Hormone-containing IUDs prevent pregnancy by thickening mucus in your cervix and changing the lining of your uterus and can stay in place for 3-5 years.
Non-hormonal IUDs contain and release copper, which is a spermicide that inhibits the sperm’s ability to move. The copper IUD lasts up to 10 years.
When you need birth control, call OB-GYN Associates PC or book online for a counseling appointment.
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